Then there is the blog candy because I have had over 10,000 visitors - thanks for all visitors and the wonderful comments .... : o)
Jeg har valgt at lave 2 meget forskellige gevinster:
Blog candy 2 : Quickutz revolution die med Birthday penguin - bånd - blomster og nogle blade...
Blog candy 2: Quickutz revolution die with Birthday Penguin - bands - some flowers and leaves.
Det eneste du skal gøre for at deltage er at ligge et link til min blog på din blog eller hjemmeside - hvor du henviser til denne kanon fede blog candy konkurrence... Derefter smider du en kommentar under dette indlæg, så udtrækker jeg vinderne lørdag den 3. januar 2009.... De heldige vindere vil blive offentliggjort her på bloggen :o)
All you have to do to participate is to be a link to my blog on your blog or website - where you refer to this canon obese blog candy competition ... Then you throw a comment in this post, so I extract the winners on Saturday 3rd January 2009 .... The lucky winners will be published here on the blog: o)
TAK fordi du kiggede forbi og jeg vil ønske jer et rigtig godt NYTÅR... :o) :o)
Thank you looked over and I would also like to wish all a very Happy New Year .... : o): o)